
Peter Doe

Ph.D. Candidate

About Me

Hello, I am a Ph.D. candidate at Caltech and I start as an Assistant Professor of Economics at Hope College in Fall 2025.

I am a microeconomic theorist specializing in algorithmic market design. I also have broad interests within behavioral economics, applied microeconomics, and game theory.

Working Papers

  1. Peter Doe

    Typically, matching market models ignore prior commitments. Yet many job seekers, for example, are already employed. I analyze two-sided matching markets with pre-existing binding agreements between market participants. In this model, a pair of participants bound to each other by a pre-existing agreement must agree to any action they take. To analyze their behavior, I propose a new solution concept, the agreeable core, consisting of the matches which cannot be renegotiated without violating the binding agreements. My main contribution is an algorithm that constructs such a match by a novel combination of the Deferred Acceptance and Top Trading Cycles algorithms. The algorithm is robust to various manipulations and has applications to numerous markets including the resident-to-hospital match, college admissions, school choice, and labor markets.

  2. Peter Doe

    I study a behavioral model of early matching within the context of the National Resident Matching Program. In my model, two hospitals choose to give early offers to doctors prior to a stable match. Some doctors have a behavioral preference to early match while others do not. I show that the less-desirable program benefits from the option to make early offers. My results provide a theoretical foundation for behavior widely documented within the medical ethics and graduate medical education literature and confirm beliefs commonly held by residency program directors.